Why Starving Yourself For Weight Loss Doesn’t Work.
Diets promise a quick solution to figure problems: "Lose 3 pounds in a week!" or "Permanently slim with the XYZ diet!" is the tempting slogan in books and magazines. But most of these diet concepts are not only unhealthy - they even make you fat.
There is certainly not one way that applies to everyone to successfully lose weight, but one thing is certain: if you want to be healthy and above all, slim in the long term, you should definitely avoid crash diets.
People who want to lose weight also think that when you are on a diet you have to starve all the time in order to lose weight. Far from it, because frequent cravings can even sabotage your success which ultimately leads to fast food and unhealthy snacks.
Eat Less To Lose Weight?
You think a diet is inevitably associated with a constant feeling of hunger? This is by no means the case. If you want to lose weight, you don't have to walk around with a growling stomach.
Cravings can wipe out weight loss success. Hunger is something to avoid at all costs because it can make you emotionally out of control and eat whatever comes your way. Because if you feel cravings, you are more likely to choose a high-calorie snacks than a healthy meal.
Even disciplined people find it difficult to eat healthy when they are too hungry. SO one thing that works for some people is to have numbers small meals throughout the day to avoid these types of cravings.
Many people raid the fridge or eat a bag of chips when they get home from work instead of waiting 30 minutes for dinner. When this happens, you get an extra 200 to 400 calories before your actual meal.
For people looking to lose weight, this can make a world of difference. To achieve weight loss, a daily deficit of 500 calories is enough. You can lose around 1+ pounds in a week that way. The overall deficit can come from multiple ways like eating 250 calories less per day and then burning another 250 calories through exercise.
Some people may not change there eating habits at all and just move more to burn an additional 500 calories per day. Or, lastly some people who avoid extra movement will just eat 500 calories less per day then their body needs to hit the overall goal of a deficit 3500 calories which equals to 1 pound of fat.
Prevent Cravings With Healthy Snacks
People who exercise while on a diet run the risk of falling into the cravings trap. If you allow yourself high-calorie snacks after a strenuous workout, you will immediately destroy your success.
All that work of burning those calories just reentered your body through your mouth. It is therefore advisable not to let hunger arise in the first place. Healthy and quick filling snacks, such as a handful of nuts or a piece of fruit, can curb hunger between meals.
How Do You Really Lose Weight Successfully?
In order to understand the principle of "losing weight" you have to know the basic terminology: The basal metabolic rate describes the number of calories that our body needs every day to maintain its vital functions (e.g. breathing, heartbeat).
The average basal metabolic rate is 1,200-1,500 calories per day for women and around 1,800 calories per day for men, + or - a few hundred depending on current height, weight and metabolism.
The performance turnover is always added to the basal turnover. It describes the amount of calories we expend because we move. The performance turnover varies from person to person: while one person walks only a little, sits a lot and drives to work by car, the other continues to increase his performance turnover, for example through exercise which leads to more calories burned throughout the day.
If you want to lose weight, you have to change your diet and exercise. My recommendation corresponds to the opinion of many nutrition experts: Instead of crash diets and starving yourself, the goal should be a long-term change in diet.
In order to lose weight and stay slim, the basal metabolic rate must be increased by speeding up your metabolism and through gaining new muscle which burns more calories and the performance turnover increased through exercise.
-Until Next Time,